The technical meeting is officially being held at Courtyard Santa Fe on March 29th and 30th. We have 10 rooms offered for a discounted price, just call Courtyard and tell them you are with the Rio Grande Chapter of HPS and they will let you know the availability.
The call for abstracts has been sent out, refer to the post before this for details on submission dates and topic ideas.
We will be providing coffee in the mornings and a break during the day for lunch (not provided). We will also be hosting tables for our affiliates and they will have the opportunity to showcase new products on the market in the realm of health physics and the nuclear industry.
Stay tuned and check your emails for more information on how to sign up to attend the meeting and more specifics that will be provided at a later date. If you are a member but have not been receiving the emails about socials or abstracts please email to be re-added to the email list.
Hope to see y’all there!!