Armin is a health physicist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) serving as subject matter expert in CDC’s radiation emergency preparedness and response activities. Armin received both his BS and PhD degrees in radiation biophysics from the University of Kansas, starting his career as a radiation biologist, and did his postdoctoral research at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories. He was a senior scientist with the radiological consulting firm of Auxier & Associates before joining CDC in 2002.
Armin was the lead author of the CDC guide for state and local public health planners on population monitoring, and a contributing author to the federal Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation. He was the 2009 recipient of Excellence in Public Health Practice Award from the National Center for Environmental Health, and a 2011 recipient of Outstanding Achievement Award from Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors. Armin is also an adjunct associate professor of nuclear and radiological engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, a member of Georgia East Metro Medical Reserve Corps, and a member of Gwinnett County Community Emergency Response Team. He recently published the text book Radiation Threats and Your Safety: A Guide to Preparation and Response for Professionals and Community.
Armin had served on the Board of Directors of the Health Physics Society (HPS), and was recently elected by its membership to serve as President-Elect.