Below are photos of Rio Grande Chapter of the Health Physics Society members and their beautiful children who attended the game!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015
Game Time: 7:05 pm
Event Start: 6:05 pm
Isotope’s Park (Google Map)
1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez Southeast
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106-3930
Details: The cost of $33.00 per person includes:
- Entrance to the Delta Dental Deck Seating
- Menu: All you can eat hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ Pulled Pork, chicken breast, baked beans, cole slaw, chips & salsa, cookies, brownies and soda you can consume from 6:00 pm until the top of the seventh inning.
- UniTech is sponsoring the event by reducing ticket prices and giving away free glow in the dark Nuclear Power T-shirts and Atom Baseball caps.
Please note:
- Tickets are sold out
Sarah Goke and son!
Thank you!